Wednesday, August 24, 2016

College Football 2016 - My oppugnant predictions for the year

Go ahead, raise your hand if you had to google that word.  That's right, oppugnant.  Sounds like something related to a skunk doesn't it?  Well, close...sorta.

Here are my predictions for this coming college football season.  They're probably all wrong, but hey, that's why they play the games.  Let the antagonizing begin:

  • We will not have a championship rematch this year.  Yup, I said it.  Lock this "bold" prediction in.  However, when you consider that Alabama and Clemson are both ranked 1 and 2 respectively in most polls, a "rematch" may be more likely than you think...
  • But let me stop you right there.  There won't be a rematch because...wait for it...Alabama will be dethroned from the SEC (and SEC West) dominance.  Yessir.  LSU will win the SEC West.
  • I'm not buying the Michigan hype.  The problem is, when you look at their schedule, anything less than 7-0 when they roll into East Lansing is failure.  Michigan will win the Big Ten, but lose in the playoffs.
  • While we're on the topic of hype trains, let's move to the west coast.  Washington will win the Pac-12.  I'm not saying they'll go undefeated.  In fact, they may go 9-3...and still win the Pac-12.
  • Tennessee.  Oh that ugly ugly orange, how I loathe you.  Could this be the year?  Could you finally put it all together and beat Florida AND Georgia?  I'm not going to go that far, it may be ugly, actually it's most certainly going to be ugly, but yes...Tennessee will win the SEC East.
  • Don't look past those other tigers in the SEC West.  Auburn will be much improved this year, and I see a very impactful upset coming from Auburn in 2016.
  • Notre Dame is going to wreck havoc on the playoff committee.  Worst case scenario, they roll into Thanksgiving 10-1 to play what is likely to be a 9-2 USC (or better).  If they can figure out that QB situation, they could be looking at 11-0 with a playoff bid on the line.
  • Vandy won't go to a bowl.  Yes they'll be much improved.  Yes they have a good defense.  But when two of your out of conference games have the best QBs in the Conference USA, and you have to play that yellow jacket option offense sandwiched between, it's hard to see 6 wins.  As unfortunate as it is, their bowl chances likely hinge on their opening night game against South Carolina.
  • There will be two teams from the same conference...wait, correction, same division in the playoff, and no, it won't be the SEC West.  The ACC Atlantic will have two teams in the playoffs.

So what are your oppugnant predictions for this year?  Feel free to debate at will in the comments below.

“Here's a guy who can use his arms and legs at the same time.”
 - DWhit

Monday, August 22, 2016

Sign up to play! 14th year, "College Crazies!" Yahoo College Football Pick'em 2016

14th year! "College Crazies!" Dustin Whittier is Challenging YOU to College Football Pick 'em on Yahoo! Sports

It's that time of year again...  College Football Pick'em time! (skip to the highlighted area for directions to sign up)
  • Most of you know the drill.  This is a weekly fantasy college football competition.  It is FREE to play.  You only have to make your picks once a week, and it only takes 5 mins!  
  • This year, I will be sending my weekly recaps via this blog site.  So check back often (or subscribe) for the best of the weekend's football action, highlights of picks gone right, and shout-outs to the picks gone terribly wrong. 

Follow the directions below to sign up.  The first set of picks are already published and lock next week on Friday, September 2nd at 7:00pm cst.  #AnchorDown
(Those that played last year may have already received an automated invite from Yahoo)
  • In order to join the group, just go to College Football Pick'em, and click the "Join Group" button. From there, enter the following information...
  • Group ID#: 4497
  • Password: dores
A couple of notes about the pick'em game if you want to know more:
  1. This group uses confidence based scoring, you make your picks by selecting the winner for that game AND how many confidence points you want on the game. Its like betting more money (points) on the games you're most confident will win.  If you're not sure how this works, please email me!
  2. Picks are locked 5 mins before the first game of the week.  IMPORTANT - the first game could be on Thurs or Fri (like the first week) - so be sure to check your picks early in the week (Tues or Wed).  The good thing is when the picks are locked, you can see everyone's picks for fun taunting during the weekend.
  3. We will drop each team's lowest week's score this year.
  4. When you sign up, there is a choice to “Allow the commissioner to edit your picks” – I would highly recommend selecting this option – inevitably you will forget to make your picks and call me 10 minutes prior to game time, without this enabled I can't help ya.

ENJOY!!!  Hope to see everyone signed up, the more teams the better - so as always, feel free to forward this to friends and family!  Email me if you have any questions.  14 years in a row strong and we continue to have great competition each year.  So bring your A-game.

PS - for those that were in the MONEY group last year (and those interested in a money group), I will be setting up a separate group to manage that league.  If you're interested, send me an email.
