Wednesday, September 16, 2015

College Football - Week 2 REWIND - Teams on the Rise, SEC on Alert

What a weekend of football!

Here are some highlights from week 2:

  • Michigan St. looks strong, real strong.  And Oregon, miss Mariota yet?
  • SEC had a down week to say the least, leaving us with plenty of questions.
  • Michigan looks like they are finally turning things around.
  • Houston upsets Louisville, leaving Vandy fans to wonder, will we even see 2 wins this year??
  • The Irish pull out a close one against Virginia, but lose Zaire for the season.  Gotta feel bad for those Damers.
  • BYU pulled out another stunner against Boise St.
  • Oh, and Texas fired their AD.

If you missed it, the SEC looked turrible (with a couple exceptions) this past weekend:

  • Jacksonville St almost beat Auburn, which would have easily been the biggest upset since App St. against Michigan many moons ago.
  • Ok, riddle me this.  How do you throw for 412 yards and only score 10 offensive points?  A football field is only 100 yards.  The answer is, Bielema ball.  Arkansas loses to Toledo.
  • ECU makes it close in Gainesville, with some ugly play by the Gators, only to be best described by McElwain as "embarrasing."
  • Tennessee.  Oh Rocky Top, you'll always be, plaaaaying not to lossssssse.  Good ole Rocky Top, can't hold onto a 14 point 4th quarter leaaaaaaaad.
  • And finally, Mizzou squeaks out a close one against Arky St.  Though to be fair, Arky St. is a pretty good Sun Belt team...

Oh, and I called it.  Kentucky over South Carolina.

Teams on the Rise:
Ole Miss
Mich St
Ga Tech

Teams on Alert:
All of the SEC (except Bama, TAMU, and Ole Miss)
Louisville (if not already)

Vandy and Florida update:

  • Vandy looked "better" than they did against WKU.  Their defense looks legit.  So does their offense.  And by that I mean, expect a pick-six and/or INT in the redzone every game.
  • Florida's discipline, or lack-there-of, was highlighted against ECU.  They have much to improve this week if they want to avoid a similar fate as the gamecocks against the wildcats this weekend.

The Top 4 Shows of All Time:
1.  Breaking Bad
2.  Lost
3.  West Wing
4.  The Wire

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