Wednesday, September 23, 2015

College Football - Week 3 REWIND - Apparently, QBs are really important, who knew?

This week we learned that it is kind of important to have an at least competent QB, who knew?  For Week 3, I bring you the tale of the quarterbacks:
  • Notre Dame, lose your starting RB and QB? No problem.  That defense really came to play with an impressive showing against the yellow jackets.
  • Meanwhile, ND's old QB, Everett Golson and Florida St scored 7, count them, 7 offensive points against Boston College.
  • LSU rolls, literally, all over that Muschamp "redefined" Auburn defense.  But really, who needs a QB when you have Leo Fournette?
  • Lambert found his groove, going 24-25 passing as Georgia dismantles South Carolina.
  • Maybe Northwestern's win over Stanford wasn't a fluke, as they get a win over a pretty good Duke team.
  • Speaking of, Stanford's QB put up 41 against that "vaunted" USC defense, leading them to an impressive win.
  • Texas found their QB in Heard, but seemed to lose their kicker along the way, missing the final TD extra point to lose.
  • OSU has 3 highly recruited QBs, one of which now plays wide receiver (embarrassment of riches much?), but still managed to struggle against Northern Illinois.
  • Miami, you were literally up 33-10 with 9 mins left to go.
  • Oh Arkansas, my how far you've fallen, losing for a second week in a row, this week to the red raiders of Texas Tech....
But, the game of the night of course, Ole Miss's impressive (?) win against #2 Alabama.  It is hard, if not impossible, to argue that this was the biggest win of the season thus far.  However, just how much credit can you give Ole Miss when:
  • Alabama coughed up the ball 5 times
  • Alabama dominated TOP (58%)
  • Alabama had nearly twice as many first downs
  • Alabama had more offensive yards
  • Ole Miss was the recipient of the luckiest TD all season
And yet, Ole Miss still only won by 6.  Now I'm not saying Ole Miss isn't a great team, that offensive line is fierce, and that receiving core may be the best in the country...but I will go out on a limb (?) and say they don't go undefeated and will double down and say they are not the team from the West making the trip to Atlanta in December.

Still, Ole Miss brought us the pleasure of seeing this all night.

Vandy and Florida update:
  • Vandy drops 47 on Austin Peay that lost by 46 to southern miss, so I guess Vandy is at least as good as the golden eagles?  However, just what do we make of Clemson only beating Louisville by 3?  Wondering where I'm going with this?  Well...remember, Houston put up 34 against that Louisville team to win by 3.  So does that mean Houston is as good as Clemson, or Clemson is as good as Houston?  Either way, that Vandy trip to houston is gonna be ugly.
  • Florida makes it 29 straight against that feline school north of Tennessee.  Now I watched this game, but multiple times I wondered, am I simply watching a replay from last year?
Gonna be a great Week 4, be on the look out for my Week 4 Preview on Friday!

The Top 4 Best Tailgates:
1.  The Grove
2.  Indy 500
3.  The Worlds Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party
4.  <Insert your vote for #4 in the comments below>

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